Yesterday I woke up with a to do list in my head and went barreling full speed to clean our house, wash clothes, cook, make a dessert, shampoo our carpet, complete things for work, and work on my dissertation. Then all of a sudden, I noticed my mood take a plunge drive and I began to feel this strange sense of dread. Luckily, I can talk to J about these kinds of things and he is usually my voice of reason. He helped me to think about the unnecessary timelines and deadlines I place on myself that force me to feel out of control. The driving force is my dissertation. I want to get it done, the sooner the better. He reminded that additional time on my dissertation, or anything for that matter, is more valuable than working to the point of exhaustion and dread. Today is a new day and I am working on slowing down and enjoying the process, so that I can truly enjoy the finished project. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes…