Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MacSpeech Scribe - Is this the answer to my prayers?

My dissertation went on hold for a little bit during the wedding, but the transcription of my interviews has also slowed the process down substantially. I originally planned to transcribe myself. The first interview took three hours and it is still not done. Then I decided I would pat someone to transcribe, but that gets messy and I have been waiting to see what we can do. Finally, I purchased this software thinking it would do most of it and I would just have to go through and make corrections. WRONG!!!! This software actually has slowed me down and I finally boxed it up and sent it back today. So now I am....... Back to transcribing. I am just going to do it because I have already lost precious time. unless you want to do that for me, **wink**. On another note, I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow. Please pray that I will walk out of the meeting with a better sense of what is going and what I need to be doing. Well, that is all for now. I must prepare for my meeting.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Running in Circles... For What?

Yesterday I woke up with a to do list in my head and went barreling full speed to clean our house, wash clothes, cook, make a dessert, shampoo our carpet, complete things for work, and work on my dissertation. Then all of a sudden, I noticed my mood take a plunge drive and I began to feel this strange sense of dread. Luckily, I can talk to J about these kinds of things and he is usually my voice of reason. He helped me to think about the unnecessary timelines and deadlines I place on myself that force me to feel out of control. The driving force is my dissertation. I want to get it done, the sooner the better. He reminded that additional time on my dissertation, or anything for that matter, is more valuable than working to the point of exhaustion and dread. Today is a new day and I am working on slowing down and enjoying the process, so that I can truly enjoy the finished project. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes…

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My 26th Birthday

I had a great day on September 13th when I celebrated my 26th birthday. I received messages and cards from my closest family and friends, I went to House of Japan with my husband (ha, I love saying that word), and then we relaxed and watched football. It was exactly what I needed after such an eventful last few weeks. There was one part that was bitter sweet....

I have always given myself these random goals and I have always had a goal to have a PhD while I am 25. Me turning 26 reminded me that I had not reached that goal. However, the more and more I think about the more I realize that the age is not what is important. Sure, I could have graduated with my PhD before 26, but at what price. I have developed some amazing friendships, done some pretty cool things, and married the man of my dreams. All of that could have been put on hold had I been so focused on the age I receive my PhD. So, I am promising myself that I will continue to work on my dissertation. However, I am not giving anyone else an estimated deadline. I will have my PhD when... I FINISH and you better believe. I will finish. Ok enough of that rant. Happy Birthday to me!


It's been over a month since I last posted. Instead of my usual dissertation and writing, I was preparing for one of the biggest days of my life... My Wedding. We got married on South Beach in Florida and it was absolutely perfect. The word that keeps coming to mind is "magical." We were so blessed to get a chance to commit ourselves before God, our family, and our friends in such a beautiful setting. I can honestly admit that I did not think about my dissertation one time. So now I guess I will be blogging as a wife in pursuit of my PhD. Right now I am feeling so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Stay tuned...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

15 Interviews

(Photo from http://greatestresellrights.com)

As of today I have 15 interviews. My goal is 20, but I was told that as long as I get to fifteen I am good. So... I'm GOOD. Just in time to get back to work. I'm gonna keep doing them though because I enjoy my topic and the conversation... Must Be Nice. Now time to start transcribing....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Collecting Data & Already Getting Buried.

(Photo from http://www.ldpride.net)

I got IRB approval a week ago and my data collection started almost immediately. Since then I have already completed ten interviews. Some dissertation studies use only five to eight interviews. My goal is 15 to 20 so, I am on my way there. The only thing is... They need to be transcribed. Well, well, well. Who knew it could be sooooo tedious. Yes, I've transcribed interviews before. When you're on a research team, however, or in a class, you only have to transcribe about three to five. Not to mention, these interviews are a lot longer than those thirty minute interviews I did in my qualitative methodology courses. I need a plan and Quick! I have a busy weekend, but I think I am going to plan to do at least one a day. This should get them all done before school starts and I am back to work. The Pressure is ON! If you have any ideas on how to transcribe faster... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear it. Now, off to do some more transcribing.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


(Photo from: http://www.age-dtoperfection.com)

I got up this morning and decided to check my email and I finally had the email that lets me move forward to completing my dissertation. I have finally received IRB approval!!! I am excited, but I also must admit that adding this to my plate along with the wedding planning is a little scary. Oh well, now let's see how far I can get by the wedding.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Surprise: I heard from IRB

(Photo from http://degreedirectory.org)

I was checking my email yesterday when I realized that I had received a email from the IRB stating that modifications were needed. This is good, right? I think so, but we will see. My thought is that once they verify that the modifications are made (which I think can be done in a few hours, ha), they can give me approval. I can say that the timing couldn't have been more perfect. I made all of the revisions and submitted it to my advisor. Luckily, he will be in today and I can get the signed documents from him. Now, some would think that this is not a big deal, but my advisor's schedule is so busy that I consider it a blessing for me to need him on the actual day that he will be in his office. I am getting ready now to track him down and get my signature, wish me luck and keep sending up the prayers. It is helping!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Early Run

Nothing makes me feel more productive than a run first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, this is what I look like when it is over. LOL. Here is to a productive day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Dissertation Cloud is ALWAYS Lurking

This week J and I were in a wedding for a couple that we are both very close too. We spent the weekend participating and helping out with the various wedding festivities and I must say that the wedding was beautiful. Someone even referred to it as magical. For the most part, I was able to stay present and focused while not worrying about my dissertation. However, when I woke up today I was immediately aware of the dissertation cloud that is always lurking. The dissertation cloud is reminding me that there is ALWAYS something to do and encouraging me to get started. Well, here I go...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Winding Myself Back Up

(Photo from http://media.mmm-online.com)

Staying motivated and positive while during this dissertation can be so hard. We saw this picture while watching television and J made a comment about how that was me. He is right. I am constantly winding myself up when it comes to this dissertation. No matter what happens, I know I will wind myself up and keep pushing through. So, that is a good thing...

So Many Obstacles

(Photo from http://blog.metrobrokers.com)

The biggest thing about this dissertation process is keeping my mind and spirit engaged during all of the ups and downs. So... The last thing I shared with you all is that I had to re-do my IRB application and submit to my advisor. Since then I have had so many things happen. I met with my advisor so we decided to make some huge changes. I stayed up all night and made the changes and met my advisor the next morning to get his signature. We call the dean to get her signature and.... She is out for a week. So, finally after she got in town, found it, and signed it... It is now submitted and once again I am just waiting... Now a few of my colleagues have reminded me that I still have somethings I could be working on. So, that's the plan. I'll keep you posted. I have heard that this review process can take from 4 to 6 weeks. I am praying for a much shorter turn around time. Please, send your prayers and thoughts too.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I Give Up... Control.


When it comes to planning, I can sometimes be rigid and controlling. I realize that these characteristics aren't the best, but they have been pretty useful in helping me to maintain my schedule and productivity. Yea, Yea, Yea... I know that anything in excess can be a bad thing which is why I realize that I must give up control. Now some of my friends have reminded that I have never really been in control anyways. I always agree, but I have never really allowed myself to believe that. This dissertation process is such a personal and private experience, but there is a limit to how much control I have. So, Today I have decided to give up control... I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back to the Drawing Board

Bad News: My IRB proposal did not qualify for the exempt process.
Good News: It was supposed to be a two-week turn around, but it ended up being a two day turn around.

Now... I am applying for an expedited review. I have worked on updating and changing the proposal for six hours straight and it is finally ready to submit. I must admit, I am pretty proud of myself for just "cranking it out," because I originally wanted to just lay down and deal with it later. I plan to submit through the expedited process and hope and pray that it does not take very long. I was told four weeks and if that is the case, my timeline will shift dramatically. As many of you have already, keep me in your prayers and thoughts. Lets pray for a week turn around time!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Three Days until School is Out!!!

School will be out in three days and I am so excited. This will be the first time since I graduated from college that I did not work in the summer. Even better is... I still get paid. I will busy with dissertation and wedding planning. I am looking forward to spending time on those things and having more control of my schedule. I also just remembered that my brother's apartment complex has a nice pool so, I think I will be doing some dissertation work, poolside. Can you tell I am super excited?

Feeling Pretty Anxious

(Photo from http://kristinebruneau.com)
I have a lot going on and feel very blessed with where I am. However, I must admit that I am feeling pretty stressed or anxious. I have a lot I need to get done for the end of the school year at work, I need to work on wedding planning, on top of this dissertation that won't go away. I would be lying if I said I never get anxious when I think about it. I need to just relax, make a plan, and work the plan. I am determined to do this and do this well. What do you do when feeling anxious? What helps you? I know... I know... I'm a counselor. I know a lot about anxiety, but I am willing to learn more strategies.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Praying for IRB Approval

I haven't blogged in a while. I must be honest, I have been trying not to worry about this whole PhD process. I had a pretty big hurdle thrown in my path and it has made me pretty worried. So... I cannot collect data for my dissertation until the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approves my study. I originally thought I would have no problems, but to make sure, I met with someone from the IRB office. She told me that she did not think my study would make Exempt (this is a shorter process). So, I would have to go through a much longer process that would make it almost impossible to finish by my desired date. I originally was pretty down, but after talking to my cohort doc students, J, my mom, and my advisor, I decided to keep trying. I met with my advisor twice in 12 hours to make changes that will hopefully get it approved. I am praying hard and believing that it will get through soon so, I can keep moving. Please keep me in your prayers.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Couch to 10K

I have been pushing my self to do some of the things I know will give me naturally energy. However, I have always found an excuse. Until Friday when one of my colleagues/mentor told me about the iPhone app called Couch to 10k. This program trains you and me to run a 10k in 13 weeks. It has 3 workouts a week that has you walk and run in intervals until your endurance is up to get you to the finish line of a 10k. I like that you can listen to music and the app will tell you when to walk or run. I started on week 2 and did the first workout today. It felt great, but I am pretty sure I will sleep well tonight. I hope to keep this up. Night...

I am so Blessed to Have So Much Support!!!

(Photo from: eruptingmind.com)

I just want to take time to say that I have an awesome support network. My research focuses on support both online and offline so, I know how important it is and I feel extremely blessed. The encouraging words, the pep-talks, the accountability, the smiles, the text messages, the bath salts, and even the meals when I am so into my writing that I refuse to break, have been so helpful. I also have a great cohort of other doc students that will help me maintain perspective. Although I will say that this is one of the most stressful times in my life, I feel so blessed to know how much you all love and support me. Thanks so much, I do not take it for granted.

And the Writing Continues...

I am still writing and.... Are those bags under my eyes? That is unacceptable. Moving on. I am gearing up for a meeting with my advisor on Wednesday, followed by a meeting with one committee member later that day and one on Thursday. Until then, I am sure that I will edit, rearrange, and re-write my first three chapters and my IRB several times. This whole process is so strange to me. It is one of the most independent projects that depends on so many other factors. Although I have several meeting, I am looking forward to them because they always help to give me a sense of where I am at in this whole process. Of course, I usually have a million changes (slight exxageration) and tons of new ideas, but who's complaining. I'm a therapist who is "all about the process" so, I need to learn to be "all about the process" of writing this dissertation. LOL. Thanks for letting me vent.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


No, No No. Not my defense. I passed the Praxis exam for my school counselor license. I hope to teach both mental health counselors and school counselors one day. So, having this license will be very useful. I'm sure most people are like... "of course you passed, "You always do well in school," and on and on... I do well often, but what some people don't realize is I have to work really hard. I know some people who can absorb information quickly and make connections and conclusions. This is not me. Sometimes I wonder what everyone else thinks about their ability to perform in an academic environment. Maybe the people who I think are so academically talented, also question their ability to consistently perform at a high level. I digress... I am just excited I passed. One more thing I can stop thinking about.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dear Stress, I Refuse to Let You Win!

(Photo from: ttp://iusedtohavehair.files.wordpress.com)

I have been feeling anxious for over 24 hours. I think working on my dissertation has helped me to understand the depth of what I have left to do. All of this, with a very busy, stressful, and emotional day at work has me feeling exhausted and of course... worried. I know what helps decrease anxiety, proper nutrition, exercise, good sleep, deep breathing, journaling (or blogging)... and the list goes on. I a determined maintain as much balance through this process so, I am forcing myself to stop writing and go to bed before 10:00. I plan to walk tomorrow and spend at least two months meditating. What do you do when you are beginning to feel stress?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Hurdle Cleared!!!

(Photo from www.clipartguidecom)

Yea, Yea, Yea... I know. It's been a week since I wrote. I am trying to keep up with this, but when I get overwhelmed... You know. Anyways, I had my proposal meeting and it was accepted. YAAAYYYY. Their was tons of feedback in the meeting, but I felt supported and respected the entire time. It was nice. I must admit, however, that I was given so many ideas and the dialogue was so rich that my head felt like it was spinning when it was over. Regardless, I have finished another hurdle. These are the hurdles I have left. 1) IRB Approval, 2) Data Collection, 3) Data Analyses, 4) Write Draft 5) Rounds and round of Edits, 6) Submit to Committee, & 7) The DEFENSE! Okay my heart is beating rapidly now. I am on a tight deadline and I am praying and hoping that it all works out by my desired date which is late JULY. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as well. There is no way I can do this without the help of God and the support of my friends and family.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Feeling Guilty

I am beginning to wonder... How much is enough. I took a break from my dissertation this weekend. Really only Saturday because I worked on it on Friday and today. Regardless, I am beginning to feel guilty from putting it down. I don't know everything there is to know about my topic. How dare I put it down as if I had mastered the subject area? I know these thoughts are irrational, I promise. But.... What do I do with this guilt that I carry whenever I spend time doing something else. It's as if my dissertation is an all-consuming and jealous relationship. Whenever I focus on something else, I can count on my dissertation to be waiting impatiently for me with accusatory eyes. Wow! One more thing I love about blogging... The ability to vent with no interruptions. Thanks for listening to my complaints. I can now stop complaining and get ready to tackle this week.

What if I am Truly a Princess?

I turned my dissertation proposal in to my committee on Friday so, I decided to spend a little time away from my dissertation this weekend and allow myself to read a book strictly for pleasure. Reading is my favorite activity. I love getting lost in stories. Unfortunately, I rarely find time to read for pleasure. The sequel to Sex and the City is coming out at the end of the month so, I thought that reading the book, The Carrie Diaries, would be fun and low-stress. It is a cute and fun book and I love this quote from a little girl in the very beginning of the book, "What if I'm a princess on another planet? And no one knows on this planet?" How cute is that? Anyone who knows me, knows that I often wonder whether I was meant to be a princess. Ahhhh.... Sometimes it's fun to stop being so academic and just enjoy the small things like reading a book, or wondering about my true calling as a princess. What are the small things in life you enjoy?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Another Writing Cram Session!

The dissertation comes and go in lulls. I write, I submit, I wait, I edit, I submit, I wait, I write, I submit, I wait, I edit, I submit, I wait, I write, I submit, I wait, I edit, I submit, I wait, I write, I submit, I wait, I edit, I submit, I wait.... My advisor gave me decent feedback, but I have tons of edits and after a conversation with him, there may even be some restructuring. All in time to finish the proposal and give it to my committee tomorrow to prepare for my proposal meeting on Sunday. Now that I officially feel the tension in my neck from just blogging about it, I will log off and do it.... I will keep you posted. Wish me Luck!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Just Got My Feedback!!

I just got an email from my advisor with his feedback on my dissertation proposal. I am glad I got it back, but I am a little nervous to see what he said. Ideally, I will make the changes and get a hard copy to my committee members by Friday. This gives them the weekend and Monday to read it in time for my proposal meeting on Tuesday. Yikes. I am going to bed now, but plan to look at this in the morning. Hopefully, I will be well rested and ready to go tomorrow. Wish me luck. Night.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our wedding website

Our wedding website is up. It took a lot of work, but I am happy with it. The nice thing about it, is we can keep adding all sorts of things. Plus, there is a blog on there, as well. That one will focus more on the progress of the wedding. We have exactly four months until the wedding. I am so excited and happy to begin our lives together. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Josh and Marjorie's Wedding Website

Dissertation Proposal Meeting DEADLINE!

(Photo from: http://www.streamys.org)

Time is running out until another deadline. My proposal meeting is a week from today. MAY 11th. I must admit, I am a little worried because I don't have my edits yet for my proposal. I am sure that everything will work out, but when I have so much going on... it can be difficult to have uncertainty. If anything, this dissertation process will teach me to let go of control and learn to have patience. How do you release control of things you never really had control over, anyways?

I'm Back, AGAIN!

I have not blogged in about two weeks. I miss blogging, but lately I have been feeling so overwhelmed that blogging hasn't been one of my top priorities. I am juggling so many balls right now. I'm pursuing my school counseling license, preparing for my dissertation proposal meeting, finishing my PhD, working, dealing with personal things, planning a wedding, and there may be some things I am missing. I have so much to catch you up on. In spite of the stress and the many tasks I have, I feel so blessed and I am happy that my mood is still fairly upbeat. That is something I will continue to monitor.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The iPad has Multiple Functions

Look what J found on twitter! Who says an iPad is just for browsing and reading?. Clearly, you can where it too! I love my iPad and I like new fashion, but I think I will pass on this one.

Are you Getting Enough Sleep?

(Photo of http://www.onlineschools.org)

The first chapter was on sleep. I know I don't get enough sleep, but I also learned that you should limit your naps to an hour. I also learned that lack of sleep increases a stress hormone that is linked to obesity. Now, that is something that I absolutely do not want more of. I need to get up and go to sleep everyday at the same time and make sure I get at least seven hours. I am going to try to sleep at 11 and get up at 6:30. I originally thought I would work out in the morning, but right now, I think I will do it after work until I get on a better schedule. I am actually going to try to start this schedule today and use it over the weekend. What is your sleep schedule like?

My Energy Quotient

(Photo of wellsphere.com)

So, I did not blog about the book yesterday. However, I did start it yesterday. The plan was to blog, but I was so exhausted... I chose to sleep. Yesterday I needed to figure out my Energy Quotient (EQ). I scored a 51%, while the average for women was 61%. I really need to get my energy quotient up. I am hoping that I can feel the results of this book very soon. Are you exhausted? How do you beat your exhaustion. If you want to know your energy quotient, check out the quiz by clicking the link below. The Energy Quotient

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Proposal Update

(Photo from clipartof.com)
I am hoping to get my dissertation proposal from my advisor today. We have a meeting this evening and I am very anxious. I'm not really nervous, but I am just ready to get the feedback. Wish me luck...

CONFESSION: Exhaustion not cured

So, as you probably guessed from my absence, I have not started reading The Exhaustion Cure and I am still not cured. I have a lot going on, but that is no excuse. I have made times for a birthday dinner, a night out, and plenty other things I am sure. I am really trying to push myself to be the best I can be and I know I can't be that if I am not charged and fueled the way I should be. What do you do when you feel stuck or to motivate yourself. I am promising to blog about this tomorrow. This will give me some accountability and if I don't do what I am supposed to. I will have to tell you all about it. Here we go...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Drama Everywhere

(Photo from http://www.guardian.co.uk)

Here's a picture of the Taiwanese legislators that I came across. The Democratic Progressive Party and the Nationalist Party ended up in a brawl during a session at the Legislative Yuan. Unfortunately, it seems like people with differing opinions (especially political) struggle to get along everywhere. I have really tried to respect others' opinions, but I realize that when I am emotional and/or invested in a topic, that can be hard. How do you negotiate conversations with people who have opinions you disagree with?

Click Here for the Story

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Exhaustion Cure

ANOTHER CHALLENGE!!!! So, I am always looking for the next thing to make me feel productive and (of course) organized. I am beginning to finally accept the fact that despite my drive to do everything, I must take care of myself better. I read the book, The Exhaustion Cure, last year. It has 21 different focuses and suggestions for ways to be less exhausted. As usual, there is not much in here that we don't already know. However, I am going to delve back in this for 21 days to see if I can actually take my own advice. If there are days that I think I have already mastered (I'm not that bad, I'm sure I am doing something right), I will skip it. So, this journey may be less than 21 days. Since my conscious is cleansed (Go back to see about my journey on The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse) it is time to get my body up to par. Here goes... Anyone want to join?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Staying Busy

(Photo from clipartof.com)
So, I am waiting to get my dissertation proposal back from my advisor. He said I will have it by Monday. It's amazing how no matter what I get off my plate, I seem to be just as busy. No complaints here. I considered myself very blessed to bed busy with things I love. As for my dissertation we have a love/hate relationship. Everything else, including my job, I absolutely enjoy. How many people can say that. If you are on of them, consider your self blessed.

Happy Birthday Monet

Shout out to my BFF FEFEFE (insider) and my newest blog follower. If you know her, wish her a happy birthday. Yes, my BFF is just now following my blog so her BFF status is being re-considered. JUST KIDDING

Thursday, April 8, 2010


(Photo from patientpowernow.org)
So, I turned my proposal in and now it's time to wait... I'm waiting for my advisor's comments. I'm starting to get anxious. You would think I would just be able to wait until I get it back and enjoy my time off. However, the dissertation process is now out of my control and I am struggling with that. I really need to work on giving up control and relaxing. Does anyone else struggle to give up control?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Why Did I Get Married, 2

Has anyone seen this? What were your thoughts? I really enjoyed the first one. Monet and I planned to see this on Saturday. I ordered the tickets on-line and everything. We get five minutes away and I realize I have no wallet. Needless to say, we didn't see it. She was nice about it and didn't really let me know how annoyed she was. I think we will see it tomorrow evening. Oh, the joy of not having to run home to my dissertation proposal...

The iPad is Here!

Those who know me, know I love my gadgets. I decided to not get a Kindle for Christmas and have been waiting since the announcement to get an iPad. J and I decided that we would get one and decide later if we both needed/wanted one. J tends to be a skeptic so I agreed. Saturday the door bell rang at 8:55 am and it was delivered. Unfortunately, I was busy so he got to it first. When I finally got to use it... I loved it. The screen is so user friendly, the browsing experiencing is optimal, and the productivity applications are a nice combination of the technology I get from my iPhone and the space and layout I get from paper planner. I think I'm in love... Problem is, so is J. I think we may have to get two. Has anyone else tried an iPad? Is anyone considering getting one?


I just wanted to let you know that I did submit my proposal. I am always amazed at how much work and how many hours it takes to actually reach these milestones. I am exhausted, but the sense of accomplishment feels so good. I also want to thank the people that have been so supportive during this process. This can be a lonely process because few people know exactly what this takes and those who do, have their own individual research agenda. However, I have been blessed to have people support me even when I am crabby, tense, and "biting off heads" as J so eloquently put it. Thanks mom for bringing me lunch twice, helping me get organized, and for all of your words of encouragement. Thanks Monet for caring about my proposal even when you have bigger things going in your life. J, Thanks for your love and support, reminding me to eat, making sure that my working conditions are comfortable, and all of the intangibles that you give me everyday. Thanks to all of the people who texted and called me to see how things were going and to offer words of support. I feel so blessed to have this support and know that I could not do it without you all.

Now, I hope I have time for more blogging and I can work on my other proposal. That one is just so much more fun.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time is Ticking...

One day left. Tomorrow is the last day before my dissertation proposal is due. Now, it's due anytime on Thursday. So, theoretically, I can work on it Thursday, too. We will see how much I get done. Monday I had a huge set-back. I spent five hours, five hours I will never get back by the way, trying to print articles. My best friend also had some things happen in her life, so I had to put this on the back-burner. Even though she is going through something, she has still been supportive of me and even allowed me to vent briefly. Surprisingly, I am not feeling overly stressed and I am pushing forward. Tonight will probably be a loooooooong night. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break = Dissertation Marathon

(Photo from clipartguide.com)
Good morning. Today is the first day of Spring Break in our schools. I will be using this day to grind out my dissertation proposal. I am determined to get this complete and turned in on time. I have some articles I need printed. Then, I plan to go, for the first time, to a laptop and study area for the Todd Bell Fellows. I haven't used it before, so I figure I will try something new. I'll check back in to let you know how this went. Keep me in your prayers. Thanks to everyone who has already been thinking of me and praying for me. It really does help. Now, I am off to write.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


So, I can officially share with you all that J and I are ENGAGED!!!! He proposed to me at night, in Pittsburgh and completely surprised me. I am so blessed to have found someone who I love so much and who shares a similar vision with me on our future. I truly believe that we make each other better people and I am blessed to have someone who challenges me, while always supporting and loving me. Now, that the secret's out... I must put the wedding planning on hold and get this proposal cranked out and turned in.