Thursday, February 25, 2010

One thing I like about blogging

So, I have being doing this for a little over two weeks and I am learning so much about following blogs and creating my own. I also appreciate the comments on my blog, the emails, and the mention of my blog. One of the things, I really enjoy about blogging is it has pushed me to look for the blessings and lessons in my everyday life. It is pushing me to be more reflective because I know that when I blog I will be reporting to YOU! So... Thanks. You are helping even if you aren't reading, because I at least think you are. :)

Day 14: The Power of Truth

I am too my fourteenth day and moving to the next stage of the cleanse tomorrow. In the last day of the past, I focused on being honest with myself and using that honesty to break the chains and agreements that I have allowed to imprison me. I have looked at the small agreements I have made in my life that have held me back. I have finally had to admit that I have agreed to... neglecting my self care needs because I am too busy. This is something that I am determined to change. I know that self care is essential, but that is always the first thing on my list to go. I will look for small ways to implement self care. I also created a list of agreements that I will read every night for a month to remind me of what I have learned and committed to. What truths do you need to reveal and/or change?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 13: The Power of the Present

(Photo from

Today's cleanse was focusing on the present. I'm sure we've all heard the quote... "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present." Well, I've heard and read it a million times and I STILL struggle with this. I plan EVERYTHING. I sometimes spend more planning than doing. Don't get me wrong, this chapter is not saying stop planning, but it is saying start living. Living in the present allows us to enjoy the moment and maximize our potential. For instance, while reading I found myself worrying about the time I would get home after work and then campus and how much I could get done before I need to go to sleep. But really, that does nothing for me, right now, in the present except it distracts me from what I should be doing and robs me of my peace. Today I have set my phone to buzz every hour to remind me to focus on the present. I'll keep you posted (ha, that was a pun).

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Would Jesus Do For Real?

(Photo from

You have to check out this new blog that I am following. It's by the Lenten Addict and is called, What Would Jesus Really Do? This blogger is also pursuing a PhD and has decided to give up television for Lent. She too is participating in the 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse so, follow and support her journey if you can. She is capturing her struggle on her blog and it is insightful and hilarious. She also highlights spirituality and our daily struggles and battles. I have already truly laughed out loud.

Check it out here!

My "slip-up" with Pepsi

So, I have been sticking to my plan for Lent and have been drinking anly water. However, I have to confess... I slipped up. While at the theatre to see Dreamgirls, I had almost half of the cup before I remembered that I was only supposed to be drinking water. J finished it for me and gave me his water. This just reminds me that the moment that we lose focus, it is easy to forget what we are working on.

Day 12: The Power of Risk

(Photo from

Today's exercise focused on taking risks. The author of The 21 Day Conciousness Cleanse, talks about being comfortable and how being comfortable can leave one stagnat. Now don't get me wrong, I value routine. However, there is no reason I can't spice up my life a little. I made a list of things that I will do to take some risks. I added small things like trying a new food or reading a different type of book. I also added bigger things relate to work and relationships. Are there any risks you need to take?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Yawning may be just what you need!!!

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This US olymipan was yawning before a race that would determine if he would make history and become the winter olympian with the most medals in US history. Many were appalled by his yawning and thought it was a very lackadaisacal of him. Turns out, the yawn helps him to feel better and calm down. It must have worked for him, because he earned a medal during this event. Next time you yawn try reminded yourself that the yawn is helping you relax and fell better. I'll try it too. Probably today since I'm feeling so tired. For more about this olympian, read below.

An Exhausted Monday

( Photo from
Today I woke up feeling exhausted and tired. This is not the way I like to start my Mondays. I have tons of students to see and so much to do because we have been out. Plus, with the changes I have made related to my dissertation I need to switch gears and re-organize. I wanted so badly to eat so comfort food or slack off. However, so far I have eaten some energizing foods and I am pushing through. No, I don't feel like I have tons of energy or did not miraculously feel better. But I can say that I am feeling pretty proud of myself and that can at least keep me from feeling worst. Here is to a continuously productive day. I will not allow mediocrity to be an option today.

Day 11: The Power of Acceptance

(Photo from
Today's focus was on accepting. Accepting that the past is the past and accepting that things happen in this world that I can't control. Accepting this allows me to let go of undeserved responsibility and helps me reach out when necessary. I also worked on accepting that I am responsible for my life force and my life force only. I cannot control how others may treat me or how things line up. However, I can control how I respond and how I will cope. What do you need to accept?

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I went to see Dreamgirls with family members and J and it was fantastic. I love, love, love singing and the show was excellent. If you can, go to Broadway Across America and find the show closest to you. I have seen a few shows through Broadway Across America (The Color Purple, The Lion King, etc.) and I have never been disappointed. I wanted to sing out loud the entire time. It was a great night.

Day 10: The Power of Humility

Today's chapter focuses on walking through the door of humility and asking God for help. In spite of everything that I am juggling, I find that I still try to do everything on my own. However, life would be so much easier if I opened up a little and called on God. Here is a prayer/quote from the book:

God, I offer myself to thee, to build with me and to do with me as thou wilt. Relieve me of bondage of self that I may better do thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of thy power, thy love, and thy way of life. May I do thy will always.