(Photo from http://degreedirectory.org)
I was checking my email yesterday when I realized that I had received a email from the IRB stating that modifications were needed. This is good, right? I think so, but we will see. My thought is that once they verify that the modifications are made (which I think can be done in a few hours, ha), they can give me approval. I can say that the timing couldn't have been more perfect. I made all of the revisions and submitted it to my advisor. Luckily, he will be in today and I can get the signed documents from him. Now, some would think that this is not a big deal, but my advisor's schedule is so busy that I consider it a blessing for me to need him on the actual day that he will be in his office. I am getting ready now to track him down and get my signature, wish me luck and keep sending up the prayers. It is helping!