Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Surprise: I heard from IRB

(Photo from

I was checking my email yesterday when I realized that I had received a email from the IRB stating that modifications were needed. This is good, right? I think so, but we will see. My thought is that once they verify that the modifications are made (which I think can be done in a few hours, ha), they can give me approval. I can say that the timing couldn't have been more perfect. I made all of the revisions and submitted it to my advisor. Luckily, he will be in today and I can get the signed documents from him. Now, some would think that this is not a big deal, but my advisor's schedule is so busy that I consider it a blessing for me to need him on the actual day that he will be in his office. I am getting ready now to track him down and get my signature, wish me luck and keep sending up the prayers. It is helping!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An Early Run

Nothing makes me feel more productive than a run first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, this is what I look like when it is over. LOL. Here is to a productive day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Dissertation Cloud is ALWAYS Lurking

This week J and I were in a wedding for a couple that we are both very close too. We spent the weekend participating and helping out with the various wedding festivities and I must say that the wedding was beautiful. Someone even referred to it as magical. For the most part, I was able to stay present and focused while not worrying about my dissertation. However, when I woke up today I was immediately aware of the dissertation cloud that is always lurking. The dissertation cloud is reminding me that there is ALWAYS something to do and encouraging me to get started. Well, here I go...