Thursday, April 8, 2010


(Photo from
So, I turned my proposal in and now it's time to wait... I'm waiting for my advisor's comments. I'm starting to get anxious. You would think I would just be able to wait until I get it back and enjoy my time off. However, the dissertation process is now out of my control and I am struggling with that. I really need to work on giving up control and relaxing. Does anyone else struggle to give up control?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Why Did I Get Married, 2

Has anyone seen this? What were your thoughts? I really enjoyed the first one. Monet and I planned to see this on Saturday. I ordered the tickets on-line and everything. We get five minutes away and I realize I have no wallet. Needless to say, we didn't see it. She was nice about it and didn't really let me know how annoyed she was. I think we will see it tomorrow evening. Oh, the joy of not having to run home to my dissertation proposal...

The iPad is Here!

Those who know me, know I love my gadgets. I decided to not get a Kindle for Christmas and have been waiting since the announcement to get an iPad. J and I decided that we would get one and decide later if we both needed/wanted one. J tends to be a skeptic so I agreed. Saturday the door bell rang at 8:55 am and it was delivered. Unfortunately, I was busy so he got to it first. When I finally got to use it... I loved it. The screen is so user friendly, the browsing experiencing is optimal, and the productivity applications are a nice combination of the technology I get from my iPhone and the space and layout I get from paper planner. I think I'm in love... Problem is, so is J. I think we may have to get two. Has anyone else tried an iPad? Is anyone considering getting one?


I just wanted to let you know that I did submit my proposal. I am always amazed at how much work and how many hours it takes to actually reach these milestones. I am exhausted, but the sense of accomplishment feels so good. I also want to thank the people that have been so supportive during this process. This can be a lonely process because few people know exactly what this takes and those who do, have their own individual research agenda. However, I have been blessed to have people support me even when I am crabby, tense, and "biting off heads" as J so eloquently put it. Thanks mom for bringing me lunch twice, helping me get organized, and for all of your words of encouragement. Thanks Monet for caring about my proposal even when you have bigger things going in your life. J, Thanks for your love and support, reminding me to eat, making sure that my working conditions are comfortable, and all of the intangibles that you give me everyday. Thanks to all of the people who texted and called me to see how things were going and to offer words of support. I feel so blessed to have this support and know that I could not do it without you all.

Now, I hope I have time for more blogging and I can work on my other proposal. That one is just so much more fun.