Friday, March 19, 2010

Silly Faces: My Stress Reliever

Humor has been linked to tons of health benefits, including reduced stress. So, here is me with my nephews being silly. For those of you have seen me with kids, you know I can be silly as they are. Of course, I clean, vacuum, and organize when it's over, but hey that's me. Sometimes it's just good to be a little silly.


(Photo from
For some reason I thought it would be a great idea to count how many days before my proposal is due. The answer is 12. I am sure I can do it, but when I think about it, my stomach feels queasy, and my heart rate increases. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Say it with me... You can do it!!

LET'S GO!!!!!!!

(Photo from
I had a meeting yesterday with the final person on my newly assembled dissertation committee. I was a little nervous about this meeting for some reason. However, she was GREAT. Every time I talk to someone about my research, they ask me questions that I haven't asked myself. I finally feel like I have a supportive committee. So, there are no excuses. I'm ready to tackle this... LET'S GO!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How I feel

I've been working hard today, but don't feel as if I am anywhere near where I would like to be. I thought this comic strip about summed it up.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mission Accomplished

(Photo from
Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. I accomplished my goals for Sunday and completed my two projects. Now I am switching gears to tie up some things at work and get prepared for this conference. These are my goals for Tuesday. I am sure I can do it again. I am exhausted so, I am going to sleep at 8:45. WOO HOO!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trying to be Productive

Good Morning,

The last two weeks at my job have been unbelievably busy, leaving me feeling exhausted. (EXHALE). I worked on the dissertation a little bit yesterday, but I kept stopping to complete other things that needed to get done. For instance, I am presenting at a conference this weekend, I am preparing for a big meeting, I need to finish my taxes, etc., etc., etc. So, my plan is to chip away at the things that must be done soon so, I can free up my time (and my mind). I hope that this will get me to a place to where I can focus. I hope it does because I have only 17 days until my proposal deadline of April 1st. I have two big things I need to get done today and one additional thing that I would LOVE to get done today. Wish me luck and send up a prayer for me.