Thursday, September 16, 2010

My 26th Birthday

I had a great day on September 13th when I celebrated my 26th birthday. I received messages and cards from my closest family and friends, I went to House of Japan with my husband (ha, I love saying that word), and then we relaxed and watched football. It was exactly what I needed after such an eventful last few weeks. There was one part that was bitter sweet....

I have always given myself these random goals and I have always had a goal to have a PhD while I am 25. Me turning 26 reminded me that I had not reached that goal. However, the more and more I think about the more I realize that the age is not what is important. Sure, I could have graduated with my PhD before 26, but at what price. I have developed some amazing friendships, done some pretty cool things, and married the man of my dreams. All of that could have been put on hold had I been so focused on the age I receive my PhD. So, I am promising myself that I will continue to work on my dissertation. However, I am not giving anyone else an estimated deadline. I will have my PhD when... I FINISH and you better believe. I will finish. Ok enough of that rant. Happy Birthday to me!


It's been over a month since I last posted. Instead of my usual dissertation and writing, I was preparing for one of the biggest days of my life... My Wedding. We got married on South Beach in Florida and it was absolutely perfect. The word that keeps coming to mind is "magical." We were so blessed to get a chance to commit ourselves before God, our family, and our friends in such a beautiful setting. I can honestly admit that I did not think about my dissertation one time. So now I guess I will be blogging as a wife in pursuit of my PhD. Right now I am feeling so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Stay tuned...