Saturday, May 22, 2010


No, No No. Not my defense. I passed the Praxis exam for my school counselor license. I hope to teach both mental health counselors and school counselors one day. So, having this license will be very useful. I'm sure most people are like... "of course you passed, "You always do well in school," and on and on... I do well often, but what some people don't realize is I have to work really hard. I know some people who can absorb information quickly and make connections and conclusions. This is not me. Sometimes I wonder what everyone else thinks about their ability to perform in an academic environment. Maybe the people who I think are so academically talented, also question their ability to consistently perform at a high level. I digress... I am just excited I passed. One more thing I can stop thinking about.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dear Stress, I Refuse to Let You Win!

(Photo from: ttp://

I have been feeling anxious for over 24 hours. I think working on my dissertation has helped me to understand the depth of what I have left to do. All of this, with a very busy, stressful, and emotional day at work has me feeling exhausted and of course... worried. I know what helps decrease anxiety, proper nutrition, exercise, good sleep, deep breathing, journaling (or blogging)... and the list goes on. I a determined maintain as much balance through this process so, I am forcing myself to stop writing and go to bed before 10:00. I plan to walk tomorrow and spend at least two months meditating. What do you do when you are beginning to feel stress?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Hurdle Cleared!!!

(Photo from www.clipartguidecom)

Yea, Yea, Yea... I know. It's been a week since I wrote. I am trying to keep up with this, but when I get overwhelmed... You know. Anyways, I had my proposal meeting and it was accepted. YAAAYYYY. Their was tons of feedback in the meeting, but I felt supported and respected the entire time. It was nice. I must admit, however, that I was given so many ideas and the dialogue was so rich that my head felt like it was spinning when it was over. Regardless, I have finished another hurdle. These are the hurdles I have left. 1) IRB Approval, 2) Data Collection, 3) Data Analyses, 4) Write Draft 5) Rounds and round of Edits, 6) Submit to Committee, & 7) The DEFENSE! Okay my heart is beating rapidly now. I am on a tight deadline and I am praying and hoping that it all works out by my desired date which is late JULY. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as well. There is no way I can do this without the help of God and the support of my friends and family.
