Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back to the Drawing Board

Bad News: My IRB proposal did not qualify for the exempt process.
Good News: It was supposed to be a two-week turn around, but it ended up being a two day turn around.

Now... I am applying for an expedited review. I have worked on updating and changing the proposal for six hours straight and it is finally ready to submit. I must admit, I am pretty proud of myself for just "cranking it out," because I originally wanted to just lay down and deal with it later. I plan to submit through the expedited process and hope and pray that it does not take very long. I was told four weeks and if that is the case, my timeline will shift dramatically. As many of you have already, keep me in your prayers and thoughts. Lets pray for a week turn around time!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Three Days until School is Out!!!

School will be out in three days and I am so excited. This will be the first time since I graduated from college that I did not work in the summer. Even better is... I still get paid. I will busy with dissertation and wedding planning. I am looking forward to spending time on those things and having more control of my schedule. I also just remembered that my brother's apartment complex has a nice pool so, I think I will be doing some dissertation work, poolside. Can you tell I am super excited?

Feeling Pretty Anxious

(Photo from http://kristinebruneau.com)
I have a lot going on and feel very blessed with where I am. However, I must admit that I am feeling pretty stressed or anxious. I have a lot I need to get done for the end of the school year at work, I need to work on wedding planning, on top of this dissertation that won't go away. I would be lying if I said I never get anxious when I think about it. I need to just relax, make a plan, and work the plan. I am determined to do this and do this well. What do you do when feeling anxious? What helps you? I know... I know... I'm a counselor. I know a lot about anxiety, but I am willing to learn more strategies.