Sunday, January 2, 2011

All that hard work, Paid off!!!

The Cake

During the Ceremony

Friends and Family

My Family

Me and my Husband, Josh

Graduation took place on December 12, 2010. I have been dreaming of this day for years and I cannot begin to explain all of the emotions I felt. The most memorable part of graduation were the different African American people who came up to me and told me how proud they were of me. To get so much love and support from people I had never met was overwhelming and humbling. I also was blessed to have my family and friends there. Writing my dissertation and meeting all of the requirements to get my PhD were some of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but it was all worth it.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~Aristotle.

Writing, Writing, and more Writing

I FINALLY finished my dissertation in December of 2010. Here are a few pictures of me during the writing process. Since we've started a new year, I wanted to make sure I started this yearly getting my blog caught up. One of the things I have appreciated about blogging is the chance to reflect on things that I have experienced. I stopped blogging while writing my dissertation and became "super-focused" on writing, analyzing, submitting, revising, and editing. There were a few weeks where I had less than 10 hours of sleep. It is amazing what our minds and bodies can do when we are put to the test. Now, I wouldn't recommend not sleeping on a regular basis. However, I would recommend that you push yourself a little further than you thought you could go. When I think back to the times I was writing my dissertation, I am amazed by the unrelenting determination I had. We all have it in us. How will you tap into yours?