Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Looking in the Mirror

Yesterday was truly eye-opening for me. One thing that about people that often gets on my absolute nerves is when they don't listen to you or understand how you feel. I hate it when they are so consumed with defending themselves and helping you understand them that they don't even consider how much a part of a problem they are. Well, in counseling I might consider someone to use "I messages" instead of using they and that is what I need to do. I am becoming aware that I do the one thing that other people do that I hate. This is so hard to admit, but I finally had to get close to the mirror to see what was going hard. I really want to change and improve. It's hard because I am an emotional person and things said and behaviors done definitely affect me. However, I know how hard it can be to be on the other side and I never want anyone to feel that way. I have a few ideas on how I can make this change. Any other suggestions?

Day 20: The Light of Compassion

(Photo from

Yesterday's chapter focused on compassion. Now this was something I believed I did fairly well. I mean, I'm a counselor. Of course I'm compassionate. I did the exercises and believed that lesson was neatly packaged and wrapped up in a bow. Until later that evening when I realized that I struggled with this more than I thought. I said something mean to someone I love deeply and instead of apologizing and "keeping it real with myself." I tried to justify why this comment was made and how my mood could lead me to this comment. How self-serving is that? It's hurtful to think about how mean I was to someone I love so much. Compassion doesn't want to know how the world should serve me or help me, but how I can serve and relate to the world. Compassion also will not allow me to beat myself up, but will create awareness so that I can stop taking everything so personally and be truly compassionate to others in my life. These readings were eye-opening for me. This is something I need to change and I am determined to turn on my light of compassion because it will be freeing and it will make me a better individual in relationships.

Wow, I feel as if this is the most vulnerable post I have ever made. So far, so good.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Monday

I know Mondays are hard for most people. I usually enjoy getting up and heading to work, but I often feel disappointed that I did not get everything I wanted to get accomplished. My Monday started off slow, but I have been very productive and have actually enjoyed it. How has your Monday been?

No Bubble Bath this Weekend

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When I began this blog, I promised myself that I would only do this if I could be honest. So here is another confession. I did not take my bubble bath this week. I broke one of the rules that I am always emphasizing to clients and friends. I was feeling overwhelmed and too busy and decided to cut my self care. I really need to do better about this. I definetly needed the relaxation time, but I am determined not to dwell on it too much. Next weekend I will have to repeat this goal. Do you make time for self-care? Do you give suggestions that are often hard for you to follow?

See Previous Post Here

Important Conversation: Update

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So... The conversation that I talked about earlier went much better than I expected. Thank you to those who prayed for me, sent me text messages, emailed me, or called to see how it went. I am always surprised that people are reading this and I appreciate so much. The conversation went smooth and actually left me feeling excited. That was not the conversation I should have been preparing for. I had another important discussion that way and let's just say that it caught me off guard and left me very emotional. In spite of that, I feel blessed to have people in my life who support me, challenge me, and comfort me.

See Previous Post Here

Day 19: The Light of Purpose

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Yesterday I focused on identifying a purpose. I wrote about what I would want someone to say about me 5, 10, or 50 years from now. Although things like, "she was very fit," and "she was so beautiful" would be nice. I realize that there are so many other things that I want to have people remember about my character and my passion. This exercise also helped me to focus on how I will contribute to a society that I have benefited from. I feel blessed to truly have a sense of my purpose. I believe that being a counselor (professionally and my spirit) are part of my purpose. Now it is important to remember that everyday. What is your purpose? If you don't know have you thought about it?