Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time is Ticking...

One day left. Tomorrow is the last day before my dissertation proposal is due. Now, it's due anytime on Thursday. So, theoretically, I can work on it Thursday, too. We will see how much I get done. Monday I had a huge set-back. I spent five hours, five hours I will never get back by the way, trying to print articles. My best friend also had some things happen in her life, so I had to put this on the back-burner. Even though she is going through something, she has still been supportive of me and even allowed me to vent briefly. Surprisingly, I am not feeling overly stressed and I am pushing forward. Tonight will probably be a loooooooong night. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break = Dissertation Marathon

(Photo from clipartguide.com)
Good morning. Today is the first day of Spring Break in our schools. I will be using this day to grind out my dissertation proposal. I am determined to get this complete and turned in on time. I have some articles I need printed. Then, I plan to go, for the first time, to a laptop and study area for the Todd Bell Fellows. I haven't used it before, so I figure I will try something new. I'll check back in to let you know how this went. Keep me in your prayers. Thanks to everyone who has already been thinking of me and praying for me. It really does help. Now, I am off to write.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


So, I can officially share with you all that J and I are ENGAGED!!!! He proposed to me at night, in Pittsburgh and completely surprised me. I am so blessed to have found someone who I love so much and who shares a similar vision with me on our future. I truly believe that we make each other better people and I am blessed to have someone who challenges me, while always supporting and loving me. Now, that the secret's out... I must put the wedding planning on hold and get this proposal cranked out and turned in.

Four Days and Counting...

(Photo from clker.com)
I am trying not to get engulfed by the worry and pressure I am feeling to get this done on time. April 1st (This Thursday) is the due date for my dissertation proposal. To be honest, just thinking about is making me to feel butterflies in my stomach and tingling in my arms. I am off all week so, thankfully I had all that open time. Please prayer for me that I get this done, successfully and that I stay calm while doing it.