Friday, March 26, 2010

Wounds in the way

I absolutely love this song (Wounds in the Way, by Rachelle Ferrel). Shout out to A. White for bringing it to my attention. This song always reminds me of how blessed I am and encourages me to not allow pains of the past ruin, overshadow, bury, or taint the life that I have a chance to live everyday. Determined to make a concious effort today.

Dear Weather

Hellooooooo weather. I woke up this morning, looked out my window and realized that you decided that snow was appropriate. What are you trying to prove? We know you are powerful. You have already given us piles of white snow, frigid temperatures, lots of rain, and more gray days than I can even remember. Then, you gave us sun and warmer temperatures and we appreciated it. We hesitated to pack up our sweaters and huge coats and just when we thought we could get used to the warm weather, you decide to do this!!! Who does that? How cruel!

Ok. Now that I've vented I attend to go on about my day in a productive and positive manner. Please don't hold this rant against me. I really interested in that summer and warm temperatures you have to offer. I even have a new pair of shades because I have faith in you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse: Finale

Someone mentioned that I did not write about the last day of the cleanse. (I still get super-excited when I hear that people are actually reading this). The last day of the cleanse focused on preparing a daily routine that incorporates reflection, staying present, and honoring the divine spirit within me. I am really dedicated to following this routine because I believe that this cleanse has changed my thinking, taught me some things about myself, and open my mind to receive and believe in so much more. For those of you who have started the cleanse (I know some at least started), how is it going?) If you haven't started... I'm willing to loan out my book.

I'm Back, Again

I am just retuning from a the America Counseling Association Conference that was in Pittsburg. I finally feel as if I am getting back to my typical routine. I truly missed blogging and I am glad to be back. My presentation went better than I expected and I finally feel as if I am becoming an "expert" on a small domain of knowledge. It's still surprising when people email me and ask for my impressions and/or opinion in counseling. Hopefully, this will keep happening until I'm just used to it. Overall, my trip to Pittsburgh was memorable, amazing, magical and truly a dream. I have so much to tell you all. Stay tuned.