Sunday, January 2, 2011

Writing, Writing, and more Writing

I FINALLY finished my dissertation in December of 2010. Here are a few pictures of me during the writing process. Since we've started a new year, I wanted to make sure I started this yearly getting my blog caught up. One of the things I have appreciated about blogging is the chance to reflect on things that I have experienced. I stopped blogging while writing my dissertation and became "super-focused" on writing, analyzing, submitting, revising, and editing. There were a few weeks where I had less than 10 hours of sleep. It is amazing what our minds and bodies can do when we are put to the test. Now, I wouldn't recommend not sleeping on a regular basis. However, I would recommend that you push yourself a little further than you thought you could go. When I think back to the times I was writing my dissertation, I am amazed by the unrelenting determination I had. We all have it in us. How will you tap into yours?

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