Monday, April 5, 2010

The iPad is Here!

Those who know me, know I love my gadgets. I decided to not get a Kindle for Christmas and have been waiting since the announcement to get an iPad. J and I decided that we would get one and decide later if we both needed/wanted one. J tends to be a skeptic so I agreed. Saturday the door bell rang at 8:55 am and it was delivered. Unfortunately, I was busy so he got to it first. When I finally got to use it... I loved it. The screen is so user friendly, the browsing experiencing is optimal, and the productivity applications are a nice combination of the technology I get from my iPhone and the space and layout I get from paper planner. I think I'm in love... Problem is, so is J. I think we may have to get two. Has anyone else tried an iPad? Is anyone considering getting one?


  1. I want one too! I will most likely get one when the prices come down, maybe in the fall.

    My computer conveniently broke down when I started my exams and I went out and got my very first Mac. Best move of my life! It totally made writing my exams and my dissertation a lot more fun!!

    Enjoy the iPad! I hope it increases productivity 10 fold for you!


  2. i heard you can get almost anything on this ipad. and it is like a real computer. the price is too.. high for me. q

  3. I think you should go for it Marjorie. Get another one.

    Jan Kriete
