Sunday, May 9, 2010

Feeling Guilty

I am beginning to wonder... How much is enough. I took a break from my dissertation this weekend. Really only Saturday because I worked on it on Friday and today. Regardless, I am beginning to feel guilty from putting it down. I don't know everything there is to know about my topic. How dare I put it down as if I had mastered the subject area? I know these thoughts are irrational, I promise. But.... What do I do with this guilt that I carry whenever I spend time doing something else. It's as if my dissertation is an all-consuming and jealous relationship. Whenever I focus on something else, I can count on my dissertation to be waiting impatiently for me with accusatory eyes. Wow! One more thing I love about blogging... The ability to vent with no interruptions. Thanks for listening to my complaints. I can now stop complaining and get ready to tackle this week.

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