Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dr. Frank W. Hale, Jr.

I couldn't write about the PhD process without recognizing my mentor, Dr. Frank W. Hale, Jr. who passed away on July 27, 2011. He was a college president, a leader and pioneer for diversity in higher education, a civil rights activist, and so much more. I originally new Dr. Hale because he went to my church, Ephesus Seventh-Day Adventist Church. He would always talk to me about education and encourage me. I remember when I realized that a building, the Hale Black Cultural Center, was named after him. I was trying to explain to one of my friends who also went to my church, "No. He's not just special to us, he's famous to the whole world." I am so grateful that I was able to spend so much time with him and I was finally able to grasp how great of a man he was.

I would meet with him several times during the school year and I loved it because we always ate at the best places. However, what sticks out to me is the conversations we would have. I had never had such intellectual discussions with anyone by the time I was in college. He would ask me about politics, issues in higher education, and anything else he could think of to challenge my mind. He was always gently nudging me towards greatness and he saw things in me that I didn't see in myself. I remember calling him the day before I defended my dissertation. I was nervous and wanted to talk to him about it. Instead Doc was asking me about what academic positions I was applying for. His subtle way of telling me, "You have this defense "in the bag." What are your next steps?" I am currently standing on the shoulders for Dr. Hale and I plan to work hard on my scholarship and service so that someone can stand on my shoulders. Lord, thank you for allowing me to spend so much time with your child. Now, please help me to be a blessing and an beacon of light to your love.

To read about lessons I learned from Dr. Hale, click here.

PhD! So What? Now What?

I have a PhD now, but what does that mean. How will I be different? How will my life be different? How will that change the way I serve? How will that change the way I teach? Was it worth it? And the answer is.... I DON'T KNOW, but I am very excited to find out. Watch the journey of me pursing my life as a woman with a PhD. At the very least, you should be entertained.

Follow my site: PhD! So What? Now What

Sunday, January 2, 2011

All that hard work, Paid off!!!

The Cake

During the Ceremony

Friends and Family

My Family

Me and my Husband, Josh

Graduation took place on December 12, 2010. I have been dreaming of this day for years and I cannot begin to explain all of the emotions I felt. The most memorable part of graduation were the different African American people who came up to me and told me how proud they were of me. To get so much love and support from people I had never met was overwhelming and humbling. I also was blessed to have my family and friends there. Writing my dissertation and meeting all of the requirements to get my PhD were some of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but it was all worth it.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~Aristotle.

Writing, Writing, and more Writing

I FINALLY finished my dissertation in December of 2010. Here are a few pictures of me during the writing process. Since we've started a new year, I wanted to make sure I started this yearly getting my blog caught up. One of the things I have appreciated about blogging is the chance to reflect on things that I have experienced. I stopped blogging while writing my dissertation and became "super-focused" on writing, analyzing, submitting, revising, and editing. There were a few weeks where I had less than 10 hours of sleep. It is amazing what our minds and bodies can do when we are put to the test. Now, I wouldn't recommend not sleeping on a regular basis. However, I would recommend that you push yourself a little further than you thought you could go. When I think back to the times I was writing my dissertation, I am amazed by the unrelenting determination I had. We all have it in us. How will you tap into yours?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MacSpeech Scribe - Is this the answer to my prayers?

My dissertation went on hold for a little bit during the wedding, but the transcription of my interviews has also slowed the process down substantially. I originally planned to transcribe myself. The first interview took three hours and it is still not done. Then I decided I would pat someone to transcribe, but that gets messy and I have been waiting to see what we can do. Finally, I purchased this software thinking it would do most of it and I would just have to go through and make corrections. WRONG!!!! This software actually has slowed me down and I finally boxed it up and sent it back today. So now I am....... Back to transcribing. I am just going to do it because I have already lost precious time. unless you want to do that for me, **wink**. On another note, I have a meeting with my advisor tomorrow. Please pray that I will walk out of the meeting with a better sense of what is going and what I need to be doing. Well, that is all for now. I must prepare for my meeting.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Running in Circles... For What?

Yesterday I woke up with a to do list in my head and went barreling full speed to clean our house, wash clothes, cook, make a dessert, shampoo our carpet, complete things for work, and work on my dissertation. Then all of a sudden, I noticed my mood take a plunge drive and I began to feel this strange sense of dread. Luckily, I can talk to J about these kinds of things and he is usually my voice of reason. He helped me to think about the unnecessary timelines and deadlines I place on myself that force me to feel out of control. The driving force is my dissertation. I want to get it done, the sooner the better. He reminded that additional time on my dissertation, or anything for that matter, is more valuable than working to the point of exhaustion and dread. Today is a new day and I am working on slowing down and enjoying the process, so that I can truly enjoy the finished project. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes…

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My 26th Birthday

I had a great day on September 13th when I celebrated my 26th birthday. I received messages and cards from my closest family and friends, I went to House of Japan with my husband (ha, I love saying that word), and then we relaxed and watched football. It was exactly what I needed after such an eventful last few weeks. There was one part that was bitter sweet....

I have always given myself these random goals and I have always had a goal to have a PhD while I am 25. Me turning 26 reminded me that I had not reached that goal. However, the more and more I think about the more I realize that the age is not what is important. Sure, I could have graduated with my PhD before 26, but at what price. I have developed some amazing friendships, done some pretty cool things, and married the man of my dreams. All of that could have been put on hold had I been so focused on the age I receive my PhD. So, I am promising myself that I will continue to work on my dissertation. However, I am not giving anyone else an estimated deadline. I will have my PhD when... I FINISH and you better believe. I will finish. Ok enough of that rant. Happy Birthday to me!


It's been over a month since I last posted. Instead of my usual dissertation and writing, I was preparing for one of the biggest days of my life... My Wedding. We got married on South Beach in Florida and it was absolutely perfect. The word that keeps coming to mind is "magical." We were so blessed to get a chance to commit ourselves before God, our family, and our friends in such a beautiful setting. I can honestly admit that I did not think about my dissertation one time. So now I guess I will be blogging as a wife in pursuit of my PhD. Right now I am feeling so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Stay tuned...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

15 Interviews

(Photo from

As of today I have 15 interviews. My goal is 20, but I was told that as long as I get to fifteen I am good. So... I'm GOOD. Just in time to get back to work. I'm gonna keep doing them though because I enjoy my topic and the conversation... Must Be Nice. Now time to start transcribing....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Collecting Data & Already Getting Buried.

(Photo from

I got IRB approval a week ago and my data collection started almost immediately. Since then I have already completed ten interviews. Some dissertation studies use only five to eight interviews. My goal is 15 to 20 so, I am on my way there. The only thing is... They need to be transcribed. Well, well, well. Who knew it could be sooooo tedious. Yes, I've transcribed interviews before. When you're on a research team, however, or in a class, you only have to transcribe about three to five. Not to mention, these interviews are a lot longer than those thirty minute interviews I did in my qualitative methodology courses. I need a plan and Quick! I have a busy weekend, but I think I am going to plan to do at least one a day. This should get them all done before school starts and I am back to work. The Pressure is ON! If you have any ideas on how to transcribe faster... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear it. Now, off to do some more transcribing.