Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 16: The Light of God's Will

(Photo from

Today was interesting. Today focused on examining areas of my life where I don't have everything that I deserve and desire and making a choice between God's will and my ego's will. This was hard because this means giving up control. For those who know me, giving up control is not something that is easy for me to do. However, when looking at the limitations I impose on myself I become more aware that this is what I need... I will constantly evaluate who's will I am following.


  1. It is hard following God's will. For me His way is always something I don't want to do.

  2. Marjorie, I've found that once I let go of my control issues and allowed God to lead the way, my life improved ten-fold! I am a lot less anxious about things and I can live in the moment alot easier once I started working on walking by faith and not by sight. He hasn't left me hanging or led me astray yet!
